Career vs. Job: Following Your Passion

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Diksha Tarnekar
National Law Institute University, Bhopal

In the present world, academic and professional competition is touching the sky. Everyone wants to do the best, be successful and acquire a decent financial stability in order to live a stress-free life. It is often observed that people choose their professional fields by sacrificing their dreams, happiness and passion. Well, undeniably, the truth is everyone wants to earn a stable income and run their lives fulfilling all possible financial and emotional demands. However, amidst finding the right course to pursue and settling with the right kind of Job, we forget our “inner calling”. A person gets so occupied with the monetary aspects of life that he or she forgets about their passion.

Passion? What is Passion? Is every person passionate about the things he/she is pursuing? When is one truly passionate? While doing jobs? And if one is not passionate about what he/she does, then how can we strive to incorporate passion in life? These are the few questions that instantly come to mind as we speculate over the word ‘passion’.

Career vs. Job:

One might think that Career and Job are more or less similar terms. However, in actuality these terms are very different. A career is about setting long-term goals to achieve the greater good you desire or foresee for your life whereas a job is just going to work to earn a pay check. A career is where you plan your every step towards achieving the long-term goals you have set for yourself, which is not the case in a job.

The real difference between a career and a job is one’s attitude. Primarily, a job is taken with an intention of earning money. One solely focuses on getting the work done without really being passionate about it because in the end the only expectation is getting a pay check whereas a career is a complete journey of hard work, plans and efforts. It’s a chain which takes you to the ladder of success. One does more than expected and learn more than what is needed while fulfilling daily routines just to accomplish that long-term and meaningful aim. Career helps in setting goals and acquiring valuable skills, building professional network, gaining experience and continuing in our pursuits of earning promotion and raise.

Wise people say, money is not everything but a person would choose to sit in a sedan rather than in a bus. Truly, money can’t buy happiness. But the society in which we live today, one needs money to get things one loves. Only some people really get to do what they love and be absolutely happy with it. Therefore, though it is important to have a career or a job which provides a pay check; the real key to happiness is doing what one loves.

Chasing a dream and rising up to do what one loves is very tough and often gives birth to uncertainty because the career might or might not take off but it’s definitely worth a try. Life is not about having a big bank balance, it is about how satisfied one is at the end of the day.

Here are some reasons why following your passion is more important than chasing money alone.

    When a person chooses to do something which he or she loves, they are always motivated and passionate to do it even better than they expect. They don’t worry about the late hours or fear negative results. They just keep giving their best without having the feeling of being forced to do it.
    When a person does something he is passionate about, he or she always has ideas and plans to make it better and efficient. One cannot be creative if he or she keeps doing a dead end job with no room for exploring and manifesting ideas.
    When a person thinks about his or her job and it doesn’t make them happy then they are not passionate about their job. One who is passionate about it, will work on Sundays too because their happiness lies in the work they do.
    When one truly commits oneself to the work they are engaged with, no obstacle can stop them from achieving their goals and the dreams they have their eyes on.
    A person spends 1/3 rd of his life working. It is really important to take a job which does not drain you out and leave you miserable at the end of the day. One should not spend 1/3 rd of their life doing something they don’t like just for the sake of money. After all, there is only one life and a person should truly live it and not just survive it.

In the end, always choose your happiness and find a career or a job where you feel this happiness lies. Be passionate about every work you wish to do. As Jon Bon Jovi said, “Nothing is as important as passion. No matter what you want to do with your life, be passionate.”


  1. Career vs. Job: Following your passion by CPD Technologies.
  2. Career vs. Job: Following your passion by MapaGuru.
  3. Career vs. Job: What is the difference by Charlie Baxter.


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