Fighting Mental Health Amidst COVID 19

Image Credits: Chris Madden/Getty Images

Hansaprabha Potdar
Tata Institute of Social Sciences


Novel coronavirus has engulfed the entire globe. This pandemic of COVID-19 has entirely changed the way we look at the world. Everything is undergoing change. In this journey of change the way people, organizations, schools, colleges behave, are going through the journey of transformation. This change carries the capacity to affect every person, but differently. Depending on each individual’s resilience, COVID-19 has made its impact on every individual in some or the other way. There are multiple impacts to discuss upon, but the major one is the condition of mental health in this crisis.

Mental well-being is one of the major aspects of complete sound health that the World Health Organisation defines. Considering this fact, mental health does deserve attention. Also, during the COVID-19 situation cases of psychological distress rose alarmingly.

India Psychiatry Society underwent a survey where they witnessed a spike of 20% in mental illness within the period of one week of lockdown. Also, it is quite evident that a large mental health crisis ahead of us in this time of pandemic stands as a whole new challenge.

Factors Affecting Mental Health in Times of Crisis:

Along with pre-existing cases of mental health issues, the risk of developing it amidst pandemic increases for the entire population. Now the question arises who will be the victim of this crisis? And the answer is “almost anyone to everyone”, from health care workers, students, employees, migrants, COVID-19 survivors to COVID-19 patients. Now the next question arises how is corona virus causing this mental health crisis? Following are the reasons for the same:

a.) Government measures: Schools, universities, public places, organizations, traveling, gatherings have all been on halt since the lockdown. Additionally, constant quarantine and social distancing are creating a sense of fear, anxiety and panic amongst many.

b.) Social causes: The hysteria created about the damage done by this virus has changed the way society looks towards ill individuals and people associated with them.
As health care workers in the frontline are in constant contact with the COVID positive patients, the rest of the population prefers to distance themselves fearing of catching an infection making these health care workers socially isolated.

Hindered education has created a sense of stress and anxiety in students and adolescents. Additionally being away from friends and social life is making things even worse. Even a rise in cases of child and sexual abuse has been reported.

Women being on a receiving end are facing multiple issues. As society being patriarchal the chores are done by women. This has led to overburdening of work putting an overall impact on mental and physical health. Also, cases of increased domestic violence are making headlines now and then.
Elderly population with existing health conditions are undergoing mental distress worrying about their health and fear of death.

c.) Mental health care facilities: Due to the stigma attached to suffering from mental illness most of them don’t approach any kind of help. The tragedy doesn’t stop here, due to lockdown most of the mental health care facilities are limited and not accessible. Also fear of stepping outside the house is making it very impossible to seek any kind of help.

d.) Media: The continuous ongoing news of suicide, deaths, violence is adding up to the problem.

e.) Economic causes: corona has impacted the economy globally. It is getting difficult to sustain during this crisis. Many of them have lost their jobs, aspiring job seekers foresee unemployment and migrant laborers have been hit hardest due to no monetary support for sustenance. These causes are also instrumental in snatching all hopes for leading a good happy life making people mentally miserable.


Due to the above factors, people are becoming helpless. This helplessness is urging them to take a path that doesn’t go the right way. The prevalence in alcohol consumption, nicotine and online gaming has increased substantially.

Gender discrimination is more patently visible.

Poor are getting poorer.

Class divide, caste exploitation has started to increase more than before.

What can be Done?

  • Policy initiatives: One of the major steps that can be taken is to properly implement Mental Healthcare Act, 2007.
  • Funds: Insufficient funds to various programs and policies have acted as an impediment in reaching out to the beneficiaries or the target groups. This makes the policy ineffective and a failure irrespective of the fact of how good the policy is. Hence, strategic planning over fund management for effective utilization is the need of the hour.
  • De-stigmatization: This aspect is as important as medication in solving the issue of mental health illness. Stigmatizing both, the COVID-19 infection and the mental health issue is one of the primary reasons causing this huge loss. Hence, people should go onboard and help boost confidence instead of creating fear and anxiety.


During such dire times, it is of utmost necessity to look at the person and not the disease and try restoring hope and dignity to fight these tough times. Dealing with mental health can be more horrifying than seeing it. Hence, it becomes the duty of every single individual to build resilience in people around them. Also, systemic efforts to create demand for mental wellbeing is also required. It becomes the duty of the state to provide affordable and accessible support in this concern.  


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