Importance of Law in Society


Ramendra Pratap Singh
ICFAI University, Dehradun

For a society, the law is important because it is a standard of conduct for citizens. Law means the system of rules which, by the imposition of penalties, a particular country or community recognizes as regulating its members’ actions. It was also designed to provide effective guidance and behavioural order for all citizens and to sustain the equity of the three branches of the government. It keeps society running. There would be anarchy without regulation, and it would be the fittest for everybody’s survival. Most of the time not an ideal way of living. The law is important because it serves as a guideline for what in society is accepted. Conflicts between social groups and communities would occur without it. We follow them crucially. The law makes it easy to adopt changes in society.


Society is a web connection and social change obviously means a change in the social connection system, which includes an understanding of the social relationship with regard to social processes and social interactions and organizations or, a society is a group of persistent people or a wide social group sharing the same spatial or social territory, typically subject to the same political power and predominant cultural expectations. Therefore, the term “social transformation” is employed to indicate the desired variations in social relationships, society and organizational institutions. It involves systemic changes and improvements in social roles. A closer analysis of the law’s role in relation to social change allows us to differentiate between the direct and indirect aspects of the law’s role.

Law plays an important indirect role in regard to social change by making a direct impact on society. For example, a law that imposes a mandatory system of education.  In many cases, however, law interacts indirectly with fundamental social institutions to form a direct relationship between law and social change. For instance, a rule to prohibit polygamy. Law is a modernizing and changing factor in society. It is also a measure of the existence and problems of incorporation of social complexity. A key tool for social change and reform is the legal system. It’s Able to create a fair and open structure for the civilized society and protection of vulnerable people’s rights groups including women. Many world constitutions recognize equal opportunities and Prohibit discrimination on grounds of gender before the constitution. Circular or one-directional change is possible. There was a mistake. Social change is organized to the degree that cycles of transformation are routine and interconnected.

Moreover, reinforcing our belief in an old Panchayat system, abolishing untouchable practices, child marriage, sati, dovetailing, etc. are the typical examples of social changes in the country by the law. Law is an effective medium or agency, instrumental in bringing about social change in the country or in any region in particular. Therefore, we rejuvenate our belief that law has been pivotal in introducing changes in the societal structure and relationships and continue to be so.

In the process of social transformation, the law has certainly been a catalyst for the dissolution of caste inequalities, for the protective action for the weak and vulnerable sectors, the dignified life of those living under unhelpful conditions, etc. Global change means an alteration of culture, as well as its political and social structure, principles and beliefs, and dimensions. Social change, however, does not equally affect all aspects of society like material changes (technology, new production patterns, etc.). Though social change is responsible other conditions are necessary as well. As we have discussed earlier, for example, in free India untouchability cannot be not legally be prohibited because of insufficient social support.

Traditionally, theorists have argued about the existence of substantive criminal law. One set of these limitations is the kind of behavior that is legally banned. For example, is it appropriate to criminalize some type of action because most in society consider it immoral? The other set of restrictions relating to what is needed for the definition of criminal liability, irrespective of the content of a statute in question. In any society, the legal system reflects almost any energy of life. Legislation has a living organism’s complex vitality. It is a social science characterized by movement and adaptation that can be said by law. Regulations, on the other hand, are not produced and used for a vacuum, nor are used for repeated objectives. The Rules seek to push us in a certain direction we believe to be good or forbid the movement in the direction we believe to be bad.

The members of the community make up the social laws. Social disobedience is followed by social disapproval being punished. Excluding ex-communication or ostracism, there is no positive punishment for breaking the rules. The law is implemented by the state, on the other hand. The purpose of the law is to put order into society so that members of society can move forward and develop with some kind of future security. The state creates law. Disobedience to State laws calls for a penalty, which the government enforces through state authority. It is not the law that is impossible to enforce.


Law is a system that regulates behaviour, where possible, by means of rules and guidelines, through social institutions. In many ways, it molds politics, economics, and society and acts as a social mediator for people ‘s relations. Change at different levels, social dynamics in day-to-day life and short-term shifts, and long-term trends in culture has become an important topic in culture research. If the harm is legally criminalized, criminal law offers ways for the government to prosecute the perpetrator. Constitutional law provides a framework for law-making, human rights protection, and the election of politicians. Administrative law is applicable to the review of policy decisions, while in the field of commerce, environmental protection or military action foreign legislation regulates matters between sovereign states. The legal response to a specific social or technical problem is, therefore, a significant social action itself that can exacerbate or ease or help to solve a certain problem.


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