Call for Research Interns: Alexis Journal of Public Policy & Law



Alexis Foundation is India’s leading and most diversified youth-led think tank which conducts research and provides consultancy in areas such as economics, international affairs, law, management, psychology, public policy, strategy, and technology. It is registered as a Public Charitable Trust under Indian Trusts Act, 1882.

We are pleased to invite applications for the position of Research Interns for the Alexis Journal of Public Policy and Law (AJPPL) from across the world. This opportunity is for all the law students pursuing 3 year or 5 year integrated Law courses from premier law universities/colleges.

Key skills and attributes

Research Skills

Legal drafting

Analytical skills

Good knowledge of legal current affairs and legal provisions

Main Tasks of the Research Interns

1. Writing research papers and/or case studies for the Law Journal

2. Writing commentaries on existing legal provisions and judgements

3. Analyzing existing legal provisions and judgements

4. Meeting the submission deadlines of thee assignments allotted as a part of the internship




Pro bono. (Voluntary and Unpaid)


  • A certificate of completion of internship shall be provided to candidates who perform all the assigned tasks within the prescribed time limit satisfactorily.
  • A letter of recommendation shall be offered at the discretion of the organization to candidates performing exceptionally well.

Minimum Engagement Term

2 months

Important Dates:

31st August 2020: Last day for submission of Applications.

Application Procedure

Interested candidates shall send their CVs a statement of purpose of not more than 250 words to

Preference shall be given to candidates possessing prior legal research and publication experience.

We are looking forward to engage driven and talented individuals into our organization.


J. Neha
Assistant Director – Research, Alexis Group
Coordinator, Alexis Journal of Public Policy and Law


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